Trustees Update

Did you miss the presentations given by the Trustees at our Autumn Fayre on November 8th? We give a summary below.
The meeting opened with a reading of Psalm 115 by Mr Harold Jempson. Particular mention was made of verse 12 “The Lord hath been mindful of us”, followed by a Welcome to all attendees.
Trustees – It was announced that Mrs Helen Jempson has been appointed as a Trustee and Mr Andrew Jempson has stepped down. The matter of Trusteeship has been given much thought and it is the intention of the current Trustees to seek additional help when the scheme commences.
Strawberry Hill – Malcolm Cassam from Cassam Associates outlined the benefits of the current proposals before the planners. The addition of the extra unit will make the scheme more viable and also slightly increase the size of the current apartments. We hope to receive a decision from the Planning Authorities before the end of the year. Preliminary costings are available based on 10 apartments so as to give some indication of cost. A Sales Valuation Appraisal from Stiles Harold Williams is available on request. Prices of the apartments will be very competitive and will be subject to discounts. Please refer to the brochures for the project which indicate the prestige nature of the apartments and the facilities incorporated for Healthy & Safety and DDA compliance. This scheme is being run as a Charity (the Trustees receive no remuneration) and the interest on the bank loan for the purchase of the land has up to the present time been met by the family company, as have all running costs. The Trustees have given their time on a voluntary basis.
Fund-raising – The Gift Aid Scheme available on donations is a great help to our funds. If you are a UK taxpayer we can claim 25p from HMRC for every £1 which you donate. The sales of Christmas and Greetings cards are a great success and have also generated useful funds for the Trust. Any friends who shop on-line can raise funds at no additional cost to them by registering with and supporting the Oak Tree Homes Trust.
With the help of donations, a legacy, Fayres and chapel collections, for which we express our heart-felt thanks, all costs have been met to date and we hope to venture in the New Year, God willing, with the construction of Strawberry Hill House, looking unto the Lord for His provision.
Thank you.