Spring Fayre 26th March – Update

Preparations are well under way for our Spring Fayre on Saturday 26 March at Mayfield Village Hall.
Time: 10 – 2
Now we need your help!
Are you having a New Year clear-out or are thinking about Spring Cleaning? Then we would be most grateful for any donations of Jumble or Bric-a-Brac that you may have, as we have several tables available which need to be filled! At our Spring Fayre there will be: Tea/Coffee, cakes, Snack Lunches from 12- 1pm Plants, Bric-a-Brac, Homemade Bread Homemade Preserves, And …..a Childrens Craft Corner and more.
We are hoping to do Car Washing in the car park, but we need some help……are there any strong young people willing to assist – please do get in touch!
Keep an eye on the website for further updates!