Planning Application Submitted To Council
A planning application has been submitted to Tunbridge Wells Borough Council with a target determination date of Thursday 14th November 2013.
Construction of 9 no age restricted retirement apartments, together with communal lounge, 12 parking spaces, access and landscaping
The application number is REf No. 13/02615/FUL can be viewed in more detail on the Council Planning Office Webpage
The summary submitted to the Council is as follows.
“Oak Tree Homes Trust are a registered charity, who wish to construct a residential building architecturally to mimic a Victorian building, comprising of 9 age‐restricted retirement apartments, with a communal lounge, 12 carparking spaces, access and landscaping. All the accommodation is contained within one building with the apartments being age restricted, open market and for retirement use. The Charity will be the Landlord who will manage the maintenance of the building, while all support services are intended to be imported.
A similar development at this site, also designed architecturally to mimic a Victorian building, although approved was not built. This application is of a similar design and detailing, as agreed with advice from Council Officers.
The existing close boarded fence will be replaced with a black wrought iron fence and gates with existing well established hedges behind, so very little of the property will be seen from Broadwater Down.”