News Update – May 2011
At the Spring Fayre held at Mayfield on March 26th mention was made of a parcel of ground near Tonbridge, Kent which could be of interest to the Trust.
A suggested lay out of the site was available at that time.
Since then a meeting has been held with the Estate agents.
We were given the impression that the owners would look very favourably at the Trust”s proposition, but the following correspondence shows how matters lay at present.
From Estate Agent.
“I am now reverting to you as promised following my recent meeting with the Trustees at which we were able to discuss your interest in the above site.
As I think I did indicate to you the Trustees can really only make an informed decision when they have either an offer or at least an indication as to a likely offer on any site, and I know that you were going to pursue this further. That said, the likelihood of an outright freehold sale of the entire site I think is minimal, the estate being more interested in developing its income stream and looking at leasehold disposals and I don’t know whether this is of any interest to you.
I have also been instructed to let you know of another potential site near Southborough.
Whilst this is a smaller site, it might be worth investigating further. I do know that the Council is concerned about access, so any development would have to deal with this particular issue.
“Many thanks for your email of 28th April, to which I apologise for the delayed reply.
We very much appreciate your comments with regard to the Trustees wishes to increase revenue stream as opposed to selling asset. I’m sure you appreciate that this will not fit our proposed model as we do wish to sell on our accommodation with a buy back provision down the line.
With regard to the land off (Southborough), one of our Trustees has viewed this property from the road and confirmed that this could be of interest. Would you be able to give us permission to actually walk the site to understand the boundaries and the existing buildings?
Whilst writing, may I thank you for your interest in our project.
From Estate Agent
“Many thanks for your recent email and I note that the Estate’s plans for the site at Tonbridge are incompatible with your Trust’s requirements.
As regards the Southborough site, I am very happy to give permission for one of your Trustees to walk over the site. For your information, the cottage itself is currently let, although we are expecting the current tenant to be vacating in the relatively near future and as such I would think that the Trustees may be prepared to consider a sale of the whole site to include the cottage.
If after you have viewed the site in detail, you would like to clarify anything further, please do not hesitate to contact me.
End of update.
We would ask for your prayerful support.
Yours sincerely
Trustees of OTHT
PS We would appreciate your forwarding this e-mail to any interested friends