Christmas Cards 2012
We are pleased to announce a small range of Christmas Cards which will be available from October 2012. There will be 4 designs and in packs of 10. All profits will go to the charity funds.
The wording will be as follows:
Inside the card (Post Box & Holly Designs only)
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace,
good will toward men.”
Luke 2:14
Card Message
With Best Wishes
for Christmas
and the New Year
Back of Card
OTHT logo
Registered charity No. 1134646
Pricing: £4 per pack (10 cards to a pack)
+ P&P £3.50 Over 5 packs postage and packing is free
These cards will be available to purchase on the day of the Autumn Fayre, via email to or by completing the form below. We will contact you to arrange payment.
Thank you.